On The City Streets

"Street prostitution is an evil trade and make no mistake, prostitutes are victims. They are forced to sell sexual services by their controllers or pimps. These guys are the criminals. They manipulate their girls and coerce them into providing sexual acts through abuse, threats, forced dependence on drugs and physical violence. This often takes the form of repeated rapes by one or more people to create submission. They also restrict the victims movements and prevent communication with family and friends. Girls are expected to earn nightly quotas and this money is all confiscated by the pimp. This is big business and the chances of the real offenders being brought to justice are minimal.


"Pimps are well organised but much less visible and almost impossible for police to investigate. Individuals victimised by this sort of organised network will lie to police about the existence of a pimp and will present themselves as acting completely independently. Policing strategies are totally ineffective. They typically arrest prostitutes and not their clients. The prostitute will receive a heavy fine and then have to work even harder to meet their quotas and pay the fine. Add to this the fact that there are many corrupt officers taking bribes to turn a blind eye to prostitution and it is indeed a very murky world for the real victims of this sordid crime." (Steve Nielson)

On The City Streets

"Yeah, that's right 

Hey, you look nice 

Standing on the street 

Good enough to eat 

You know I love you 

You wanna please me don't you? 

Wouldn't like to see me upset? 

You do your best now 

See you later, baby" 



Oh, no, there's gotta be another way 

We can't put up with this another day 

I can't let you breathe this atmosphere 

Oh, no, I gotta get you outa here 

You're slowly sinking under 

It won't be long 

There's only backstreet lovers 

You've known no others 


You've gotta keep your life together 

So you sell yourself for pleasure 

On the city streets 

But it all means nothing 

When the taste of loving 

Is so bitter-sweet 

I only wanna do what's right 

I've got to get you out of this life 


He leaves you standing by the street light 

Dressed you up to make it look right 

A painted smile upon your sad face 

We've gotta leave this rat race 

I can't just stand here watching you 

When you're going wrong 

You know I love you, baby 

And this is crazy 

"Hey, who was that you were talking to? 

Wouldn't be going behind my back, would you? 

That would make me angry 

And you know I'm bad 

When I'm mad" 

"The pimp has a grin - never a smile" 

On The City Streets (c) 2012 musicalpearls All Rights Reserved
